Guillaume Dimanche, is part of Thierry Geoffroy's Emergency Room in Paris.
Emergency Room is an art format by Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel that can be activated simultaneously in different art institutions of the world.
It is also an international art movement .
Emergency Room heart is a room where non apathetic artists run to express about the emergencies of today , today before it is too late .
Artist are THE visuals experts and have statements on fire to exhibit immediately , now, while their comments can have effects .
Critics and remarks are welcome in democracy , but to have pertinence they have to be done in good time . not in Delay ( RETARD ) .
Emergency Room has been successfully launched at
PS1 / MOMA- New York
Gallery Olaf Stueber- Berlin
Nikolaj Contemporary-Denmark
Ileana Tounta contemporary - Athens
Galerie Taiss / 5 rue Debeylleme
nov. 06th,
dec. 20th
L'ER Blog.
News on Le beau Vice.
selected works from ER Paris

"Three plates"
(assiettes, riz, blé, peinture)

"Fort McMurray"
(peinture sur impressions)

"Rachid & Rachida"
(peinture sur impressions)

(installation, dessins & photocopies)

"sans titre"
(arbuste prélevé dans un espace vert parisien)

"sans titre"
(13 sacs poubelles remplis de gaz)

"The Earth melts"
(gouttes d'eau condensées, papier, enveloppe)

"Vélo mort"

"Total - Essence"
installation (papier, pétrole, coupe)

(assemblage papier)

"Corkscrew gouvernemental"
(cuillère et tube en carton)

"That was XXth century
That was XXth century
That was XXth century
Since 7 years - 2 month - 1 day
Planes are used another way
Remember :
The Emergnecy Call Number :
Today planes are
invisible or too many
Too many = Out of control
Today planes are
invisible or too many
Too many = Out of control
Today planes are
invisible or too many
Too many = Out of control
yet WWIII is ON
That was XXth century
That was XXth century
That was XXth century
Since 7 years - 2 month - 1 day
yet WWIII is ON"
"That was XXth Century, yet WW3 is on"
"Taser WWIII"
(carton déchiré)
(carton, feutre, roulettes, bombe, métal)
(cartons, métal, feutre, papier, bombe)
"Paris - Vichy, novembre 08"
(collage, matériaux divers)